Communication Apps
A simple and intuitive chat app that allows you to connect with friends and colleagues in real-time. Enjoy smooth messaging, user-friendly design, and seamless communication.
Created by: ezat jhanu, 5 days ago
A simple and intuitive chat app that allows you to connect with friends and colleagues in real-time. Enjoy smooth messaging, user-friendly design, and seamless communication.
Created by: ezat jhanu, 5 days ago
A social networking app to connect with friends, share posts, photos, and stay updated on each other's lives.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
AI-powered writing assistant that helps improve writing with customizable suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A web application that displays webcam feed with black and white and grain filters applied in real-time.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
诪注专讻转 诇讞讬讘讜专 讘讬谉 讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讬讟讞讜谉 诪讬讚注, 讛诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 讬讚注, 讜诪爪讬讗转 驻转专讜谞讜转 诪转讗讬诪讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 诇讞讬讘讜专 讜讬讬注讜抓 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讗讘讟讞转 讛诪讬讚注 讜讛转讜讻谞讛
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 讛诪讞讘专转 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讛-IT, 诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 诪讬讚注 讜谞讬讛讜诇 讗讬专讜注讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A playful app that helps users generate witty and humorous comebacks for friendly banter, allowing them to save and track their best responses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A social networking application similar to Facebook, allowing users to connect with friends, share posts, interact through likes and comments, and communicate via messaging.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
MatchIT is a B2B platform that connects technology decision-makers like CISOs, CTOs, and IT managers for peer-to-peer consultations. The platform offers features such as user profiling, AI-powered matching, smart consultations via chat, meeting coordination with manufacturers, a point-based rewards system, subscription and billing management, and community knowledge sharing, all while ensuring data privacy and security.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
GitHub Notification App
A user-friendly application that allows users to receive email notifications with summaries of commits from their selected GitHub repositories.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
Israeli Diaspora Connect
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 讞讘专转讬转 诇讬砖专讗诇讬诐 讛讞讬讬诐 讘讞讜状诇 诇讛转讞讘专, 诇砖转祝 讞讜讜讬讜转 讜诇讛砖转转祝 讘讗讬专讜注讬诐 诪拽讜诪讬讬诐 讜讜讬专讟讜讗诇讬讬诐. 讛注讬爪讜讘 讬讚讬讚讜转讬 诇诪砖转诪砖 讜讗讬谞讟讜讗讬讟讬讘讬, 注诐 诪诪砖拽 诪讜讚专谞讬 讜谞拽讬 讜爪讘注讬 讻讞讜诇 讜诇讘谉 讛诪砖诇讘讬诐 讗诇诪谞讟讬诐 诪讚讙诇 讬砖专讗诇.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago