Education Apps
SearchSmart is your AI-powered research assistant, helping you find answers quickly and efficiently by leveraging real-time web searches. Ask any question, and receive insightful responses along with relevant sources to support your inquiries.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a day ago
Markdown Buddy
A user-friendly Markdown to HTML converter that allows you to create, edit, and preview your Markdown documents in real-time. Easily export your formatted HTML or Markdown files with just a click!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a day ago
PhD Applications Manager
Efficiently manage and review doctoral program applications by extracting key information from PDF files and organizing them for easy access and evaluation.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 6 days ago
Sudoku Master
A fun and challenging Sudoku game that allows players to solve puzzles of varying difficulty levels. Track your time, make notes, and test your skills against beautifully designed grids. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned Sudoku enthusiasts!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 9 days ago
Sudoku Solver
A fun and engaging Sudoku game that challenges your logic and problem-solving skills. Play at various difficulty levels while tracking your progress and timing. Perfect for sharpening your mind and enjoying a classic pastime!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 10 days ago
CallAnalyzer is a powerful application for sales professionals to upload call recordings, analyze their performance, and gain actionable insights. With speaker separation and AI-driven analysis, users can improve their sales skills by understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Premium subscribers can customize their analysis and integrate transcriptions with other tools, ensuring they maximize every sales opportunity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
讛爪注讜转 诪住诇讜诇 诇转讬讻讜谉 讬讗住讗
诪爪讙转 讗讬谞讟专讗拽讟讬讘讬转 讘注讘专讬转 诇讛爪讙转 讛爪注讜转 诇诪住诇讜诇讬 诇讬诪讜讚 讞讚砖讬诐 讘转讬讻讜谉 讬讗住状讗, 讛诪转诪拽讚转 讘讘讬谞讛 诪诇讗讻讜转讬转 讜讬讝诪讜转 讟讻谞讜诇讜讙讬转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 13 days ago
3D Animation Playground
An interactive platform where users can explore and create stunning 3D animations using Three.js.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
Liverpool Quiz Challenge
Test your knowledge about Liverpool FC with this engaging quiz app! Challenge yourself with questions ranging from club history to player statistics, and see how well you know the Reds. Compete against the clock and aim for the highest score!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
QuizMaster is a versatile quiz generator that allows users to create quizzes from custom content or pre-existing question banks for a variety of subjects. Perfect for educators, students, and quiz enthusiasts, it offers an intuitive interface to design, take, and track quiz performance!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
BlogAI Editor
AI-powered blog editing software that helps writers improve their content with real-time suggestions, SEO optimization, and comprehensive analysis.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
A simple application to query LLM models with prompts and display responses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
AI-powered writing assistant that helps improve writing with customizable suggestions for grammar, style, and clarity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
诪注专讻转 诇讞讬讘讜专 讘讬谉 讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讬讟讞讜谉 诪讬讚注, 讛诪讗驻砖专转 讛转讬讬注爪讜转, 砖讬转讜祝 讬讚注, 讜诪爪讬讗转 驻转专讜谞讜转 诪转讗讬诪讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
驻诇讟驻讜专诪讛 诇讞讬讘讜专 讜讬讬注讜抓 讘讬谉 诪谞讛诇讬 诪注专讻讜转 诪讬讚注 讜讘讻讬专讬诐 讘转讞讜诐 讗讘讟讞转 讛诪讬讚注 讜讛转讜讻谞讛
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
诪注专讻转 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讗讬砖讜专讬 驻注讬诇讜讬讜转 讘爪讜驻讬诐
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Scout Movement Activity Management
A comprehensive system for managing scout activities (Mifal) including trips, seminars, and external activities. The system allows scout centers to submit activity requests and administrators to manage the dynamic questionnaire system.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
Flashcard Learning App
An interactive flashcard application that allows users to create, manage, and study flashcards using a spaced repetition system to enhance learning efficiency and track progress over time.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
URL Text Analyzer
A web application that analyzes text content from a provided URL for spelling and grammar errors, presenting the results in an organized and user-friendly manner.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A web application that allows users to convert Markdown text to HTML with live preview and export options.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A web application for testing and refining regular expressions. Users can enter regex patterns, test them against sample strings, and save their own custom regex for future use. Features include real-time evaluation, syntax highlighting, error notifications, and a library of commonly used regex patterns.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Mindful Moments
A mindfulness app offering guided meditation practices, enabling users to select from various meditation techniques, set custom practice reminders, and track their mindfulness progress with visual analytics.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
JSON Formatter
A user-friendly web application that allows users to input JSON and displays it in a neat, human-readable format. Users can paste or type their JSON, submit it, and view the formatted result with error handling for invalid JSON inputs.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
AI Search Engine
An AI-powered search engine that provides detailed, contextual responses to user queries by leveraging internet search and an advanced language model. Features include source citations, follow-up questions, and the ability to dive deeper into topics.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An app that allows users to upload documents and interactively ask questions about their content through a chat-like interface, utilizing AI to provide accurate and relevant answers based on the uploaded data.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
AI Powered Search Engine
An AI-powered search engine that provides detailed, contextual responses to user queries by leveraging internet search and an advanced language model. Features include source citations, follow-up questions, deep dive options, and search history for an intuitive and comprehensive search experience.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
InsightSeek is an AI-powered search engine that provides detailed, contextual responses to user queries by leveraging internet searches and advanced language models. It offers features like source citations, follow-up questions, interactive exploration, and personalized recommendations to enhance user experience and insight gathering.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A user-friendly search engine powered by an advanced language model, providing detailed contextual answers, source citations, and follow-up questions.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 诇讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇谞讬讛讜诇 讛讜爪讗讜转 注讘讜专 讘讬转 住驻专 诇诪拽注拽注讬诐, 讛诪讗驻砖专转 诇诪砖转诪砖讬诐 诇讛注诇讜转 讞砖讘讜谞讬讜转, 诇谞转讞 讗讜转谉, 诇讛讝讬谉 讛讜爪讗讜转 讬讚谞讬讜转 讜诇爪驻讜转 讘住讬讻讜诐 讻讜诇诇 砖诇 讛讛讜爪讗讜转.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
Tattoo School Expense Manager
An expense management application tailored for a tattoo school, allowing multiple users to upload invoice images, automatically extract expense details, manually enter expenses, view and filter expenses, and see a summary of all expenses.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
An AI-powered search engine that answers user questions with detailed, contextual responses sourced from the internet.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
A search engine application powered by a language model that answers user queries by searching the internet, providing detailed and contextual responses with source citations, follow-up questions, and the ability to explore topics in depth.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 诇讗讬砖讜专 讟讬讜诇讬诐 砖诇 爪讜驻讬诐
讗驻诇讬拽爪讬讛 驻砖讜讟讛 讘注讘专讬转 诇讗讬砖讜专 讟讬讜诇讬诐 砖诇 爪讜驻讬诐 讛讻讜诇诇转 砖谞讬 转驻拽讬讚讬 诪砖转诪砖: 诪谞讛讬讙 砖讘讟 讜诪谞讛讬讙 讛谞讛讙讛. 诪谞讛讬讙讬 砖讘讟讬诐 讬讜讻诇讜 诇砖诇讜讞 讘拽砖讜转 诇讟讬讜诇讬诐, 讜诪谞讛讬讙讬 讛谞讛讙讛 讬讜讻诇讜 诇讗砖专 讗讜 诇讚讞讜转 讘拽砖讜转 讗诇讜.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago