Marketing Apps
CallAnalyzer is a powerful application for sales professionals to upload call recordings, analyze their performance, and gain actionable insights. With speaker separation and AI-driven analysis, users can improve their sales skills by understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Premium subscribers can customize their analysis and integrate transcriptions with other tools, ensuring they maximize every sales opportunity.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
Sales Call Analyzer
A powerful tool for analyzing cold call recordings. Automatically transcribe calls and assess sales rep performance based on key metrics like opener, hook, and pitch. Customize analyses and export results easily.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 12 days ago
Lead Management System
A simple and efficient application to manage your leads, enabling you to track potential clients effortlessly. You can add, edit, and view leads with easy access to their contact information and status, ensuring better follow-ups and organization in your sales process.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 13 days ago
Social Media Post Generator
Create engaging social media posts effortlessly with customizable templates and trending hashtags. Generate tailored content for various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Choose from a selection of templates or craft your own unique posts, and let our tool suggest relevant hashtags to enhance your reach!
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 14 days ago
Harmony Color Palette Generator
Create beautiful and harmonious color palettes for your design projects with our user-friendly color scheme generator. Explore different harmony types and export your palettes in various formats to integrate seamlessly into your work.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 15 days ago
BlogAI Editor
AI-powered blog editing software that helps writers improve their content with real-time suggestions, SEO optimization, and comprehensive analysis.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
AI-powered blog post editor that allows users to create and edit blog posts using AI, generate images, and manage their blog content.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
An AI-powered blog editor that allows users to create, edit, and enhance blog posts using AI assistance.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, a month ago
讗转专 砖讬讜讜拽讬 诇注住拽 讘砖驻讛 讛注讘专讬转 注诐 注讬爪讜讘 讗住转讟讬 讘爪讘注讬 转讻诇转, 讚祝 讘讬转 诪讜砖讱 注诐 诪讬讚注 注诇 讛注住拽, 讟讜驻住 讛专砖诪讛 诇诇拽讜讞讜转, 讗讝讜专 讗讬砖讬 诇诇拽讜讞讜转 专砖讜诪讬诐, 讙诇专讬讬转 转诪讜谞讜转 讗讜 诪讜爪专讬诐, 讜讚祝 讬爪讬专转 拽砖专. 讛讗转专 爪专讬讱 诇讛讬讜转 讬讚讬讚讜转讬 诇诪砖转诪砖, 诪讜转讗诐 诇诪讜讘讬讬诇, 讜诇住驻拽 讞讜讜讬讬转 诪砖转诪砖 讞诇拽讛 注诐 讛爪讙转 诪讬讚注 讘爪讜专讛 讘专讜专讛 讜诪讜砖讻转 转讜讱 砖诪讬专讛 注诇 爪讘注讬 讛诪讜转讙 诇讗讜专讱 讻诇 讛讗转专.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
A web application for connecting marketing service providers with clients.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 2 months ago
AI Blog Manager
An intuitive application that allows users to generate high-quality blog posts using AI, edit them, and automatically convert each blog into four engaging LinkedIn posts.
Created by: Maor Shlomo, 3 months ago